Campaign Against Depleted Uranium

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Belgium Sets New Veteran Testing Standard

Belgium is to become the first country in the world to introduce blood testing for soldiers sent into combat. While other countries have set up testing regimes for their veterans – with mixed results – the Belgian model will be the first to test soldiers before and after their tour of duty. A clinic that will specialise in the testing will open early next year at the military hospital in Neder-over-Heembeek.

The testing is a direct result of ongoing complaints from soldiers about Balkan Syndrome, soldiers who still concerned about the health hazards connected with DU exposure in the Balkan conflict. The Belgian anti-DU movement is going from strength to strength with 71 Belgian organisations supporting their ‘Ban Uranium Wapens’ mission statement. They have managed to stop one major bank from investing in DU manufacturers and a bill proposing a ban will soon be introduced in the Belgian Senate, where ICBUW members will give expert evidence.

Read more articles about The Gulf War Veterans

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Page last updated: January 28, 2003