Campaign Against Depleted Uranium

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CADU Gig Makes £300

More than 60 people came to support CADU on 12th November. First on were Icons of Poundland, whose singer had come all the way from Falmouth (12 hours on National Express) , then Valerie (singer all the way from Glasgow) and then headlining were relative locals Flamingo 50 who'd just popped over from Liverpool. All bands and our lovely eccentric DJ Stef, Lisa who gave out hundreds of flyers, Hazel on the door and Dom lending us his 'geetar' amp even though he wasn't playing, gave their time for free.

The venue gave us a huge discount and a mysterious benefactor paid the hire fee for us. Thanks to all who contributed. CADU needs every penny, as we are trying to get an international treaty to ban depleted uranium weapons, similar to the famous treaty which banned anti-personnel mines. International lobbying doesn't come cheap!
Watch this space for further gigs and benefit nights

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Page last updated: 6th December 2002